April 2, 2012

The Great Ocean Road - Episode 10: Busy Apollo Bay

Day 2: Lorne > Apollo Bay

Apollo Bay is a busy tourism town located near the must-go attraction, the Twelve Apostles. Therefore, it was full of tourists when we arrived. Kinda too many in comparison of the previous quieter towns.

Seafood is common on the menu

Fish and chips. Guess what kind of fish was it? The answer was shark.

How was the taste? See the greedy sea gulls were queueing up for a share. Some people threw them the leftovers.

Don't miss the award-winning ice-cream in the Apollo Bay. My pistachio ice-cream was rich in flavor.

2 good reminders. 

Easter was almost there.

This guy was so brave to do cycling on the windy Great Ocean Road.

Extensive land is one of the keys of a quality farm. I wanted to try farm stay but the chauffeur replied no. Sigh.
We were surrounded by the tall and ancients tress in the Great Otway National park which covers from Torquay to Princetown. Our mobiles received no signals deep in the forest. Gosh, suddenly disconnected from the modern wold? Could we successfully arrive the must-go attraction? No worry, GPS was still working hard. 

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