July 10, 2008

勿以善小而不為 Don't Underestimate the Power of Small Acts of Kindness

Thanks for the local media that it sometimes does a great job. Just like the latest 3-episode TV program, "On the Road 3 - Guizhou" (向世界出發3 - 貴州). The guest, "Yu Mo Lin" (余慕蓮) is a 70-yr-old experienced actress. Similar to her image on TV, she's also being perceived as one of ordinary people who attracts almost no attention.

Small but powerful.
Yu is not rich, however, she generously donated around one third of her retirement pay, ie HK$ 80,000 to Guizhou 2 years ago. Together with HK$ 30,000 Guizhou government funding, a standard school is built which has provided proper education to hundreds of children from poor mountainous areas.

I believe most
HK people just have recognized her act of charity from the program. Because Yu never sold her good will for fame or gain. On the contrary, she simply wishes the children can improve their lives with knowledge. Her kindness, sincerity, humbleness has allowed us to understand we should not underestimate the power of small acts of charity.

If you wanna contribute, action now! No matter the format, you can help when you make it come true.

Official website of the program (in Cantonese with
traditional Chinese subtitle):

You may also search "余慕蓮" from
youtube for the complete version.