September 28, 2006

Kansai Trip Countdown - Who are the Big Three?

The Original Big Three:
Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister
Franklin D. Roosevelt - US President
Josef Stalin - Soviet Premier

They were the key characters who shaped the course of the Second World War and determined the pattern of post-war settlements as well as international relationships between 1941 and 1945.

Why use the "Big Three" as our nick here? Actually, it's only a play of words. A simple and direct way to state that there are 3 friends going to have a trip in Japan together. We love peace not war.

by B

(originally posted on 2006-09-28 23:38 in Yahoo!Blog by B)

September 25, 2006

Kansai Trip Countdown - 窮等人家

相對於C, 本人絶對生活於貧窮線下, 家中不單沒有Plasma或LCD TV, 連LCD Mon 也沒有. 可知本人實是窮光蛋一名. 只希望家中的所有用品生生性性, 好好的勤勞工作直到天荒地老.

by B

(originally posted on 2006-09-25 23:18 in Yahoo!Blog by B)

Kansai Trip Countdown - 富貴人家

C真有米呀! 閒閒地一個电視都要万幾蚊先睇得上眼. 羨慕死人!

不过老實嗰句啦, C真係太过孝順為左屋企人冇都 say YES. 有時都要睇合唔合理架. 电視机幾千蚊都有個啦, 你之前話想讀 PHD, then 都要為自己設想一下ma. 佢地有無窮既欲望你可以 fulfill 幾多???

worry abt u!


(originally posted on 2006-09-25 08:47 in Yahoo!Blog by A)

September 24, 2006

Kansai Trip Countdown - 告吹了



屋企電視壞咗, 買新電視要萬五至萬八呀

(originally posted on 2006-09-24 20:30 in Yahoo!Blog by C)

September 22, 2006

Kansai Trip Countdown - 同人唔同命

嘩! C好晒命呀!

難為我離離去去都只喺星加坡呢粒蚊型小島过日子.真的很想念老家同超級好友(即B & C囉)....hahahha...

(originally posted on 2006-09-22 08:28 in Yahoo!Blog by A)

September 21, 2006

Kansai Trip Countdown - 手信



事因之前去slovenia/frankfurt 之行搵手信好花時間/精神. 今次見到咩就買咩

今年"天馬"星入宮,特別多遠行, 台灣, 澳門, slovenia/frankfurt , 日本, 第四次啦

(originally posted on 2006-09-21 11:47 in Yahoo!Blog by C)

Kansai Trip Countdown - Sounds Familiar

I'm A here....after reading B's situation below. i feel that it's jst like reflecting the situation here in SG as well...kekeke...

But the worst is that, it's not the colleagues that ask for it. It's the BIG BOSS...... ... he's the super fans of "Wife Cake". He know i'll stop in HK aft the Jap trip. Surely, he's expecting sthing.....

But this time, guess i gotta stop his fantasy.... NO MORE "WIFE CAKE"...kekeke...

I dun wanna be those "shoe-polish clan"...kekekeke....

Wish me good luck after the trip!!!!!

(originally posted on
2006-09-21 09:14 in Yahoo!Blog by A)

September 20, 2006

Kansai Trip Countdown - Ask for Souvenir ‧軟哄手信

The following conversation happened in B's office. If you encounter similar request, it really proofs there are so many talents in Hong Kong.

B was enjoying the snacks bought by Z from Osaka with X and Y .....
B和同事甲、同事乙在品嚐同事丙從大阪買的手信 ......

X / 甲:B,what do you think of these snacks? 你覺得好吾好食呀?
B:Quite good. 幾好呀
Y / 乙:How good if the snacks are always available. 如果成日都有得食就好啦
B: Ah. 哦
Y / 乙:Z ar, these snacks are really tasty, where did you get them? 丙呀,你啲手信好好味,喺邊度買架?
Z / 丙:This biscuit is only available in Arima while that egg rolls are from Namba. 這個餅是有馬温泉才有的,那蛋卷是在難波買的
X / 甲:B,do you get it? 你記住啦?
B: Ok la 得啦
X / 甲:Really? 喺架啦
B:I know what you wanna, I'll buy ga la (speechless) 我知你地想點,會買架啦 (no gas)
X / 甲:So kool 咁冷漠既
B: .................... (Rumor in heart: I won't forget la unless I don't come back anymore 心想:點會吾買俾你地,除非之後吾返工)

(Chinese version originally posted on 2006-09-20 23:33 in Yahoo!Blog by B)

Kansai Trip Countdown - Luggages ‧行李

A 呀! B呀! 諗想妳地d行李好大可能我要幫手扲. 我就決定要個有輪o既行李箱.


A呀!B呀! 妳地分行李兩袋我就唔駛拎咁重囉

(originally posted on 2006-09-20 21:41 in Yahoo!Blog by C)

Kansai Trip Countdown - Ha Ha ‧哈哈


(originally posted on 2006-09-20 14:44 in Yahoo!Blog by C)

Kansai Trip Countdown - 32 days left ‧向京阪神出發 - 倒數第32天

Unlike the Olympics Games, travel is more common and not a big deal indeed, then why count down?

Since A has immigrated overseas, it's even not easy for us to meet. Therefore, we are all excited to have this trip planned and wanna blog it down as our valuable memories.

The 8-day Kansai trip is scheduled to set off on 21 Oct, 2006. All air tickets, accommodation (inluding hotels, hot spring inn and hostels) and itinerary are ready. Our efficiency is so high that B's colleagues are scared. These scared colleagues now keep asking for souvenirs as compensations.

Osaka is the first priority of A and B though C doesn't like it much and often claims won't visit Japan again. Dear C, A and B have already got it, you will not be invited to join the next Japan trip.
(Editor's prediction: C will look like when he read this post).

事緣A已移居外地,要像以前般隨時見面也不容易,故這次3人行能夠落實,真的感到非常興奮雀躍。因為難得,所以想 blog it down,留下一點美好的回憶。

是次京阪神之旅將於10月21日出發,為期8日7夜,採自遊行形式。所有機票、住宿(包括酒店、温泉旅館和民宿)及行程都已安排妥當,效率之高已嚇壞B的同事 。而這些被嚇壞的同事已不斷向B索取手信,作為補償。

大阪是 A和B的首選目的地,但C卻不太喜歡,經常嚷著不會再去日本。C呀C,A和B收到啦,下次去日本吾預你囉。(編之預言:C的表情將是)

Itinerary 行程簡介:
21 Oct (Sat) Hong Kong 香港 --> Kyoto 京都
22 Oct (Sun) Kyoto 京都
23 Oct (Mon) Kobe 神戸
24 Oct (Tue) Himeji 姬路 --> Arima 有馬温泉 (c goes
to Rokko Island c 往六甲島)
25 Oct (Wed) Osaka 大板
26 Oct (Thur)
Osaka 大阪
27 Oct (Fri)
Osaka 大阪
28 Oct (Sat)
Osaka 大阪 --> Hong Kong香港

(Chinese version originally posted on 2006-09-20 13:52 in Yahoo!Blog by B)

Kansai Trip Countdown - 33 days left ‧向京阪神出發 - 倒數第33天

Introduction of Characters (by date of birth )
出場人物介紹 (依出生年月日序,敬請對號入坐):

A ─ Smart and adaptive
B ─ Cool but warm-hearted, independent
C ─ Considerate and generous
(Remark: A & B's official 4-day shopping sponsor)
關心他人,慷慨大方 (註:A和B的特約4天購物贊助人)


Classmates of different majors who took minor courses together by chance. (actually, both A and B were from the same department). Although they have different career paths after graduate, they still care each other as before. It's said that buddies are usually from high schools or colleges, probably we can set a good example .
來自不同學系的大學同學 (其實A和B是同系的),於修讀 minor 時認識。畢業後,大家雖然際遇不同,但依然關心對方。很多人說摯友通常來自中學或大學,大概我們都是一個好例子吧。

(Chinese version originally posted on
2006-09-20 13:51 in Yahoo!Blog by B)